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2011 Bohai Bay oil spill

Nov. 28, 2022 Share:

The 2011 Bohai bay oil spill was a series of oil spills at Bohai Bay in Northeast China.

In a series of spills between June 4 and July 12, 2011, oil in the Penglai 19-3 field in Bohai Bay polluted more than 6,200 square km of water-an area about nine times the size of Singapore.

It caused huge losses to the tourist and aquatic farming industries in Liaoning and Hebei provinces, a report by the State Oceanic Administration said in June 2012.

Jiajiajiao provided a mount of oil absorbents including oil absorbent socks, oil absorbent booms, oil absorbent pillows and oil absorbent pads for emergent oil spill during the 2011 Bohai bay oil spill. At the same time, we sent a group of 3 engineers to the scene of the accident for assisting and guiding related departments. And we set up a special group in the office to arrange related things for quick response of emergency. In this oil spill, we provide 6 containers’ oil-only absorbent products and professional engineer teem. Expert knowledge, skill and products from Jiajiajiao make the oil spill getting quick and effective control.

2011 Bohai Bay oil spill

2011 Bohai Bay oil spill

2011 Bohai Bay oil spill