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Odfjell Tanker Spills Oil in Rotterdam after Collision

Aug. 04, 2018 Share:

Odfjell Tanker Spills Oil in Rotterdam after Collision

Some 217 tons of heavy fuel oil (HFO) were spilled at the Port of Rotterdam from the chemical tanker Bow Jubail after the ship collided with a jetty.

Bow Jubail made contact with the jetty and accidentally ruptured the hull, the vessel's operator, Odfjell, said. The incident occurred on June 23 at about 13:40 local time while the tanker was on its way to the assigned berth for loading.

The company added that mitigating actions were immediately taken to limit the spill, both by the vessel's crew and by resources from shore.

"The leakage was stopped, and there is no risk of further spills," Odfjell informed.

The 37,499 dwt vessel was not loaded with cargo at the time of the incident, and there were no reports of injuries to the personnel.

Bow Jubail, which is currently moored at the Botlek terminal, has a total personnel of 29, of which 27 Filipinos and two Scandinavians.

"Odfjell regrets the unfortunate incident and takes this matter very seriously. Together with GARD, Odfjell cooperates closely with Dutch Authorities to ensure that necessary resources are available in taking the required actions and mitigate consequences of the oil spill." June 25, 2018